IAPS 2024第十二屆中國國際汽車動力系統峰會(5月9-10日,在上海)
引領電氣化轉型& 新型動力系統研發
Leading Electrification Transformation & New Propulsion Systems Development
Meet 450 + Auto Propulsion Chiefs
Ignite the Passion for Technology, Witness the Fusion of Technology and the Future!
PART/1大會背景 | Background
隨著歐盟宣布“2035 年禁售燃油車”,全球汽車行業節能減排的趨勢進一步加劇,對新能源車的呼聲也邁入高潮;同時地緣政治的影響導致全球石油價格的波動,拉升世界油價,進一步推動了新能源汽車的需求。不少的傳統汽車企業已經停止或收縮傳統內燃機的研發,轉而加速氫氨、成燃料等零排放清潔能源技術的研究;而互聯網時代的新能源車企更是在電池、電驅等核心技術自研的道路上不斷“內卷”,共同推動整個汽車行業邁入“全面電動”時代。而中國,無疑站在了此次變革浪潮的前列,在充滿挑戰和機遇的未來擁有更廣闊的發展空間。
正是基于這樣的大背景和往屆峰會的成功舉辦,第十二屆中國國際汽車動力系統峰會將于2024 年如約而至。此次峰會將圍繞最新宏觀政策、市場戰略趨勢、傳統內燃機、新能源、熱管理、混動系統、電池和電驅動等關鍵技術和領域展開討論,旨在為參會人員提供一個學習交流和商務合作的專業平臺。
With the announcement of the "ban on fuel vehicles by 2035" by the European Union, the trend of energy conservation and
emission reduction in the global automotive industry has intensified, and the call for new energy vehicles has also reached a climax. At the same time, the impact of geopolitics has led to fluctuations in global oil prices, pushing up world oil prices and further promoting the demand for new energy vehicles. Many traditional automotive companies have stopped or scaled back research and development of traditional internal combustion engines, and have instead accelerated research on zero-emission clean energy technologies such as hydrogen, ammonia, and e-fuels; while new energy automotive companies in the internet era are constantly "involution" in the self-development of core technologies such as batteries and electric drives, which has jointly promoted the entire automotive industry to enter the era of "full electric". China is undoubtedly at the forefront of this wave of change, and has broader development space in the future full of challenges and opportunities.
based on this background and the success of previous summits, the 12th China International Automobile Propulsion Systems Summit will be held in 2024 as scheduled. The summit will focus on the latest macro policies, market strategic trends, traditional internal combustion engines, new energy, thermal management, hybrid systems, batteries, electric drives and other key technologies and fields, aiming to provide a professional platform for participants to learn, exchange and cooperate in business.
Event Date:May 9th-10th, 2024
官網: http://bimi-auto.com/IAPS2024/
PART/2會議亮點 | Highlights
l 動力系統新星:全球頂級科技巨頭齊聚,為您展示最尖端的汽車動力系統科技,從電動至混合動力再到燃料電池,科技創新盡顯風采。
Power System Pioneers: Top global tech giants converge to showcase the cutting-edge automotive power system technology. From electric to hybrid and fuel cell, witness the pinnacle of technological innovation.
l 未來趨勢洞悉:業界大咖深度解析汽車產業發展,揭示下一個十年的動力系統發展藍圖,引領未來出行潮流。
Insights into Future Trends: Industry leaders delve into the analysis of the automotive industry's development, unveiling the blueprint for the next decade's power system evolution, leading the trend of future travel.
l 激情主題演講:國際頂級專家傾情分享,為你帶來汽車動力系統領域的獨家見解,探討未來科技發展的可能性。
Passionate Keynote Speeches: International top experts share their insights, bringing you exclusive perspectives on the automotive power system field, discussing the possibilities of future technological development.
l 科技沙龍互動:與行業精英零距離互動,共同探討科技前沿,共鑄未來動力系統的新篇
Technology Salon Interaction: Zero-distance interaction with industry elites, discussing the forefront of technology, jointly forging a new chapter for the future power system.
PART/3 與會者分析| Participants Analysis
Most of the Participants speak highly of this summit.
Explained from different subdivisions of automotive power systems, very cutting-edge and professional. DVS
從汽車動力系統的不同細分領域講解,很前沿,很專業。 德福埃斯
Communicate with domestic mainstream enterprises and suppliers. I hope to participate in more such high quality conferences in the future. BBAC
非常感謝能參加主辦方舉辦的此次會議,能與國內主流企業與供應商交流,希望以后能多參加這樣高質量的會議。 北京奔馳
Great content and very well organized. Geely
內容豐富,組織工作也非常好。 吉利動力研究院
Professional, Innovative technology, Sufficient technical exchange and sharing
Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co.,Ltd.
專業,創新技術,技術交流及分享充分 哈爾濱東安汽車
PART/4 注冊通道,現已開啟 | Registration Opening Now !
更多詳情請聯系Steve Wu:
Tel: 021-59885908
Email: Steve.wu@borscon.com / Steve.wu@bimi-auto.com
PART/5 關于主辦方| Organizers
Do not miss the opportunity to be part of this extraordinary event! Join us as we explore the miracles of the future power system, ignite the passion for technology, and witness the seamless fusion of technology and the future!